Welcome to the Machine.....

Monday, June 8, 2009 comments
Well I am here to tell that this music blog has been a long time coming to fruition, but it is now time for it to be born. As you know I write several blogs on everything from politics, which is one of my passions, to entertainment, and even parenting. However this blog is about another one of my passions, which is music. Until now those bands that I have written about were done so on Simple Man Entertainment, but now they will have their own forum at Simple Man Music.

I will tell you all right now that when it comes to music, I and others that may co-write for me here, are colorblind. This means that all genres are open to critique, review, and discussion. It does not matter to me whether we are talking about rock and roll, blues, jazz, r&b, country, bluegrass, hip hop, or even rap, if the music and the artist are worth listening to then they are worth mentioning. This also means that we will not only give credit where credit is due, but we will also give criticism when it is warranted.

I promise you that this blog will cover all the established, well known, and timeless acts that are out there doing their thing night after night entertaining you and creating great music. However this blog and it’s writers will also pay attention to those artists who are up and coming in the industry, whether they are with a major label or in the indie music scene.

What this means exactly is that every artist and genre will get its due recognition and equal time. That also means that your opinions/comments will be allowed to be seen by the other readers as long as they pertain to the post and are not hateful or nasty. This also means that we will look at these acts and try to judge them fairly and give an honest review. You should know though that this blogs writers are writing from their point of view so their opinions will be prevalent within these posts so you should feel free to disagree with them if you really do.

One last thing before I finish this introduction to Simple Man Music and that is the idea I have for making Friday the readers choice day. What this means basically is that whatever artist is requested the most by the readership in a week will be the topic of the blogs Friday post. Requests for each Friday will run from Saturday to Thursday and that Friday the most requested artist will be that days subject so all of you let me know who you want to hear about.

That’s about all for now and I hope you all enjoy this new blog I am creating for you and I and we will start posting regularly real soon. I hope you all have a marvelous day my friends CIAO4NOW!!!!!


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